Transportation To A Non-Public School - Application Must be Submitted by April 1st

  • If you plan to send your child to a non-public school for the 2025-2026 school year and she/he will need school bus service, you must complete the online application no later than April 1, 2025. Families who are new to the district have 30 days from establishing residency to submit an application. 

    Parents who are considering sending a child to a private school* next year are advised that transportation requests must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025, in order to be included in the district’s request for transportation next year. 

    Requests for forms should be made to the Transportation Director at 914-295-5544. A written request must be submitted for each child and for each school being considered. The School Board has established a firm policy of not considering requests submitted after the deadline. 

    *(Parents should note that a separate request must be submitted for each school being considered. Requests may be withdrawn if a school is not selected, but may not be considered if submitted after the deadline). 


    Se informa a los padres que están considerando enviar a un niño a una escuela privada* el próximo año que las solicitudes de transporte deben enviarse antes del martes 1 de abril de 2025 para que se incluyan en la solicitud de transporte del distrito el próximo año. 

    Las solicitudes de formularios deben hacerse al Director de Transporte al 914-295-5544. Se debe presentar una solicitud por escrito para cada niño y para cada escuela que se esté considerando. La Junta Escolar ha establecido una política firme de no considerar las solicitudes presentadas después de la fecha límite. 

    *(Los padres deben tener en cuenta que se debe presentar una solicitud por separado para cada escuela que se esté considerando. Las solicitudes se pueden retirar si no se selecciona una escuela, pero no se pueden considerar si se envían después de la fecha límite). 

    If you have not yet confirmed your child’s acceptance at the school, you should still submit an application by the April 1st deadline in order to be approved for busing. If you are considering more than one school, you should submit a form for each school and then notify the transportation office of your final decision. A new application must be submitted for each school year. 

    To qualify for busing, you must have provided proof of residency to the Dobbs Ferry School District, and you must reside no more than 15 miles from the selected school. 

    Click on the Link Below to Access the Online Transportation Application for Non-Public Schools

    NOTE:  When the district is closed, no busing will be provided to non-public schools for orientation daysafter-school activities, late classes outside of the normal scheduleFederal Holidays, or when Ardsley schools are closed due to inclement weather conditions. However, busing will be provided on Superintendent Conference days. Please check the district calendar for all relevant dates and be prepared to make alternate transportation arrangements.