Online Course Selection Instructions

  • Online Course Selection Instructions

    We recommend you follow the steps below before making your course selections online:

    1. Print your current transcript found on your eSchool Portal.
    2. Check your progress toward NYS graduation and IB Diploma requirements using the information and worksheets on this site.
    3. Review the Course of Study Guide 
    4. Log on to your eSchool Portal to view your recommendations and choose your electives. 
    5. If necessary, discuss recommendation(s) with the appropriate academic teacher(s). 
    All students must be enrolled in a minimum of five (5.5) courses and a maximum of 8 credits per year (7.5 if taking a lab science course).
    All students who enter course requests during the assigned time will be given equal opportunity to receive the selected courses.
    Counselors will be meeting with all students individually to review requested courses, graduation requirements and four year plan.