• Welcome to Technology


    At Springhurst, the technology lab serves as an extension of the classroom, providing lessons, services, materials, and facilities which support and enhance the curriculum while enabling students to develop into independent learners.

    The computer curriculum in the primary grades teaches children to learn the characteristics and uses of a computer system. Students begin identifying computer hardware and functions, learning proper keyboarding, and developing a familiarity with the distinctions between computer software programs. The Springhurst technology curriculum is based upon the ISTE National Education Standards and Benchmarks.

    Having established this basic knowledge in the early grades, students in grades 3-5 have opportunities to work with all kinds of information, whether that information is in the library media center, in the computer lab, or in the classroom. Students in these grades are moving from learning facts and skills to learning in an environment that encourages active involvement with information literacy throughout the curriculum. This is due to greater curriculum demands for research and information retrieval. A collaborative effort between the library media specialist, computer teacher, and classroom teachers supports this effort, helping students achieve information skills such as locating, selecting, analyzing, evaluating, and utilizing information, and communicating knowledge.  

Weekly Class Schedule

  • Day 1

    Kindergarten- BOCHOCCHIO

    1st Grade- FUCCI

    2nd Grade- CORNELL

    3rd Grade- METRANO

    4th Grade- FERRI/KAMINSKI

    5th Grade- MISROK

    Day 2

    Kindergarten- ARONOWITZ

    1st Grade- PINKAVA/CHIOSSI

    2nd Grade- RYAN

    3rd Grade- ORTEGA/JOHNSTON

    4th Grade- ARMSTRONG

    5th Grade- DUANE

    Day 3

    Intermediate Class- CANARY

    Kindergarten- TUMAN

    1st Grade- ZARRO

    2nd Grade- MULLEN

    3rd Grade- O'ROURKE

    4th Grade- LAPORTE

    5th Grade- CAMPBELL

    Day 4

    Primary Class- MANDEL

    Kindergarten- JANDOVITZ

    1st Grade- SCHACHER

    2nd Grade- GALATI

    3rd Grade- TODD

    4th Grade- MAIR

    5th Grade- 

    Day 5

    Kindergarten- COREN

    1st Grade- COLSEY


    3rd Grade- MURRAY

    3rd Grade- MEYER

    4th Grade- FORESTI

    5th Grade- FERREIRA/BOOKIN

     Day 6

    Kindergarten- BRENNAN/BASHARK

    1st Grade- MAYFIELD

    2nd Grade- GUGLIELMO

    3rd Grade- WATSON

    4th Grade- GUILIANO

    5th Grade- DISTEFANO